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Messages - soulboy

I agree with this also would love a version for the iphone !
I have tried to get Stackz PC version running on Linux via Wine but I get some

Anybody got this working ?
PocketStackz - New Feature Requests / Scratch Pad
April 09, 2006, 05:01:24 PM
I find it very annoying when I am praticing kanji using the scratch pad
because I have to keep hiding it to show the tick and cross buttons.

It means I have to keep moving my hands in an awkward way which
slows me down somewhat.

I am aware the buttons on the PDA give you the same functionality
but this is just as awkward.

I think the layout would be better if you could have (possibly as an option)
the tick and cross buttons AND the scratch pad at the same time.
Oh also what about transitive and intransitive verb pairs...
That would be very useful. Is this possible ??

For example I would like to initially see the transitive version
and try to remember the intransitive and vise versa.
To start with how about

Japanese for busy people 2 and 3

Also what about this:

This tool is primarily designed for learning vocab however I can't see
any reason why it couldn't be used to drill verb and adjective inflections.
Is this possible ? It would be very useful.

Also some of the exitising word lists are just TOOOOO big. Is it possible
to go through a file with 1000s of entries ??? It would be easier if they
were broken down into more managable parts.