How to use the LearnDialog1) Keep a couple of new words in short time memoryThe Learn Dialog opens with one entry in the local stack, and presents the first attribute of this entry. Use the round green button to unhide the remaining attributes of this entry. When you feel comfortable with this word, add another one to the local stack by clicking the 'arrow down' button. Now there are two entries in the LearnDialog. Use the green button to repeatedly iterate through all their attributes. Continue to add words and iterate through all attributes until you have five words or so in the local stack and try to keep them all in your short time memory.
2) Replace a word in the local stackThe next time when you think you know the presented word good enough for now, use the 'arrow up' button. This replaces the selected entry with a new one, putting it back on its original stack without any modification. Continue to iterate through the attributes, and using the 'arrow up' button in the case of a known word. This way you can go through the whole stack, getting to know the entries.
Additional notes:You can also use the 'arrow right' and 'arrow left' buttons to declare the entry as known or unknown. However, this declaration should not be mixed with your learning effort - declaring as known must not be done if the entry is in your short time memory only, that's why this button is only enabled when you see the entry for the first time.
But typically the learning action does not modify the statistics in your file, it will rather change someting in your brain, just as reading texts containing the same words will do. The statistics in your file will be modified in your next "test" action, which should not follow the learn action quickly in order to be meaningful.
More is in the tutorials of the Stackz help, an online version is
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this thread on this forum.
Edit: And there is also the '?' button in the learn dialog...