PocketStackz crash

Started by Bruno847, June 29, 2006, 09:49:32 PM

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i am using PS for 3 weeks now, it is a great program. But there is an issue that keeps bothering me. I am using an MDA Pro with WM5 and nearly everytime after I acivate it after sleep mode, PS closes itself. When I restart it, i can't read japanese characters anymore. Trying to change the font is no use. After softreset everything works fine now. So I always need to make sure my MDA doesn't go to sleep mode or I have to Softreset it.

Hopefully someone may help me on that issue.


That programms which are installed on an SD-Card are automatically closed after standby seems to be a generell problem of WM5. WM5 seems to close pocketstackz not the right way so something gets corrupted. Maybe the developers are able to make an patch so I don't need to softreset my MDA everytime?

MfG Bruno847


Thanks for the additional info!

Standby mode together with the SD-Card was also a problem for the first Pocket PC 2003 devices.
Almost all big manufactures had to release a new firmware to fix this standby specific problem.
I remember, I had to upgrade firmware on my Dell Axim in order to get PocketSzackz working more stable.
So, they might be a new firmware release for your device.

Best Regards,


This matter was although discussed in some other Forum. It seems to be "normal" for WM5. The only way seems to be a work around by the developer so that japanese signs after an "illegal" shot down of pocketstackz are still readable.


Here it what I found out:
The crash seems to happen only on MDA Pro, Qtek 9000 devices. After wake up of WM5 the SD-Card takes some time to be accessable. If in that time Pocketstackz ore some other programm is used, which is installed on the SD-Card it will crash. Some programms for WM5 are already adressing this problem and waiting till the sd-card is readable (like my MP3 Player). So is there any chance to get a patch for pocketstackz, so it waits when the sd-card is not readable? This problem is really annoying so it would be great, cause pocketstackz is really usefull to me.

greetings Bruno


I have the same problem with my Asus A686 and WM6