"Pause" feature

Started by bubulac, January 19, 2009, 05:55:55 AM

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I have about 2000 words in one of my Stackz files now, I am planning to go on a vacation for a few weeks, and I am horrified at the thought that upon coming back I will find everything orange! It will take me weeks to go through hundreds and hundreds of words and bring everything up to date.
It would be very useful to have a "Pause" button of some kind, so that I can freeze all the stacks as they are when I am leaving, and defreeze them once I am back.
Or, alternatively, is there any other way to do this that I have not discovered yet?...


(I still have about 5 months until I have to leave, so I really hope there will be a way developed until then...)


What you are looking for is called "revert to last test", which can be found in the "admin" submenu of the stack context menu. This function moves all test statistics forward for the number of days without any tests.

Some Additional notes:
Learning breaks are not really a special situation for the Stackz system because highlighting all cards that have not been refreshed for a certain period is the one fundamental function of Stackz. Sure, the highlighting refresh interval that has been useful during an intensive learning phase will highlight much more cards after a learning break, most likely leading to a situation where ?everything must be refreshed?.

There are three ways how one can cope with this situation:

  • Accept this situation as the correct representation of the current proficiency state and stick to the currently chosen tight refresh interval. The missed work must be done in the coming days, i.e. the huge highlighted collection must be reduced bite by bite. Here it is a good idea to do this catch up work in a meaningful way, i.e. start with the more relevant lessons and postpone the less relevant ones - maybe for a very long time :-)
  • Loosen the refresh interval, i.e. allowing longer repetition delays. The original tight refresh interval can be re-established step by step. This is basically the same solution as above, but a bit less frustrating because there are less highlighted cards in the beginning - but there is no manual decision what refresh material can be postponed.
  • Use the ?revert to last test? function. This causes the delay to disappear completely, i.e. the color statistics do not reflect the real refresh need (do not simulate the forgetting curve of the brain). Simply expect more tests to be negative, which on the long run has the same effect as the solutions above (increasing the highlighted part step by step).

A long discussion in german can be found in this forum, where Stackz users discuss the same thing:


I just wanted to suggest exactly the same feature! Thanks Chris and bubulac for your posts!