Match dialog reporting a false-miss

Started by liquidarts, November 23, 2009, 02:36:55 PM

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I've recently started using the 'Match' feature to drill my Japanese vocab with irregularly low success ratios.  This works fine in a file I created recently, but in an older vocab file of mine it doesn't report successes correctly.  Upon selecting the three matching attributes on a large number of words it highlights red, indicating a failure even though I know it is correct.

I'm guessing this is caused by some corruption in my Stackz file!?  But I don't know how to go about detecting that corruption, or fixing it.  Viewing the vocab list doesn't show anything particularly out-of-place.

Anyone experience this or suggest some kind of way to clean up my Stackz file I'd love to hear it!


Please note that the Match Dialog only accepts successful matches if all the entries are selected for the first time - otherwise one could try and error until a lucky match occurs. Maybe that clears the situation, or are you referring to a different issue?